
Better user experience will lead to happier customers. That's why I want to focus on front-end.

About me

Hi! I am Mengyue Wu (she/her) from Carnegie Mellon University majoring in Master of Information Technology. I’m passionate about frond-end development, web design, UI and UX design. I am willing to communicate with others, discover their needs and design appropriate ways to solve problems.

For the frond-end programming languages, I’m familiar with JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, and ReactJS. For the back-end, I’m acquainted with Java and Python.

I’m also self motivated and willing to take challenges.

What I hope to learn

There are many people in the world, and there are many different opinions and personalities. I hope to learn different ways of data visualization for different groups of people. I think that by showing the data to people in the most appropriate way, they can be fascinated and believe the stories I am telling.

Thanks for reading!